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David Cook

David began working with media in 2001, while on the mission field in Spain, with radio and television. In 2009 God placed it on his heart to get involved with feature filmmaking. Moving back to the United States, David started working with Advent Film Group to start the learning process and get hands on experience on film sets.

Since that point David has worked on over a dozen Christian feature films in various capacities, including Alone Yet Not Alone, Polycarp, Princess Cut, Beyond the Mask, The Screenwriters, Champion, War Room, Like Arrows, and Overcomer. This has allowed him to understand the different aspects of creating and distributing a film, learning not only what is involved during a film shoot, but what it takes to get there and where to take it when it is done. He also had the opportunity to work on his first international feature length film in 2018 in Mongolia.

David enjoys sharing with others what he has learned and encouraging others to follow what God has placed on their hearts to do.

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